
Showing posts from May, 2018

Buddhism in India : Subharti Law College, Meerut

Buddhism in India : An Interaction Chief Guest Dr. Shalya Raj Chief Executive Officer Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Key Speaker Dr. Saw Htut Sandar, Associate Professor, Subharti School of Buddhist Studies 05.05.2018 at Sardar Patel Subharti Auditorium, Subharti Law College, Meerut


CONSUMERISM: ITS SIDE EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENT AND REMEDIES THROUGH BUDDHIST WAY Ven. Dr. Dhammapiya Secretary General, International Buddhist Confederation Advisor, Subharti School of Buddhist Studies Abstract In the present paper, while discussing consumerism, we will try to analyze its basic ideology, its consequences on human life and on our insufficient natural resources. Our unquenchable desire to have more and more have accelerated the process of depletion of natural resources. Furthermore, we have tried to understand Buddhist approach more exactly, 'containment of lust', and 'wants to a limit’. Keywords : Buddha’s thought, consumerism, western materialism, ecological ambience, biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem.   The effect of ecological degradation is now well felt worldwide, one of the factors responsible for it is consumerism. We have accepted our approaches to life as that of western style and materialism. The western m